ALP Staking for LP's
The benefits of keeping your ALP staked
Last updated
The benefits of keeping your ALP staked
Last updated
Earn 73% of platform fees and up to an additional 156.2% APR in rATP rewards by staking ALP
Keeping your ALP staked rewards liquidity providers with esrATP (redeemable 1:1 for rATP)
Users may linearly compound their esrATP rewards or vest them over 1 year
To vest, select "Claim and Vest Rewards" on the Dapp
The Dapp automatically defaults to "Compound"
When a user vests esrATP rewards, he or she ceases to accrue esrATP rewards, and their esrATP yield begins to convert to rATP over 365 days
Holders may claim their rATP rewards each second but are subject to a $3 MATIC fee each time they claim
If a user withdraws the collateral underlying their ALP before the vesting period ends, they must again stake the same quantity of ALP to claim their rATP rewards.
ALP staking yield functions through automated logarithmic growth month-over-month, beginning at 156.2% based on a presumption of 35% of existing ALP supply staked
Stated differently, the rATP yield an ALP staker receives depends on the % of ALP circulating supply presently staked and how many months have passed following the TGE ("Token Generation Event")
Unlike ATG and rATP whose staking yield decays each month, ALP actually rewards liquidity providers with more and more emissions each month; thus, as more ALP is minted, more rATP is rewarded through emissions