Governance: Vote-to-Earn
Automatic's Governance Process
The governance process is designed to ensure that decisions are made in an effective and efficient manner for all parties involved. All decisions shall be made with the pure and express intent that every decision is made for the collective benefit of all parties involved, even when compromises must be made as a means to to achieve these ends.
Proposal Submission
Any ATG token holder may submit a proposal. All proposals must be submitted in writing and should include a thorough and comprehensive description of the proposed action or decision as well as the justification and/or reasoning underlying it.
Pre-Voting ("Motion to Review") (Stage I)
Once a proposal has been submitted, it will be presented to the Top 50 ATG holders. At least 10 of the Top 50 ATG holders must vote to approve the Motion to Review.
Formalization (Stage II)
If the Motion to Review is approved by at least 10 of the Top 50 ATG holders, it will then be formally proposed to the entire community by the Automatic team, alongside the team's recommendation and comments or concerns regarding the technical, financial, legal, and/or operative viability of the proposal. The Automatic team may never disregard any Motion to Review which has been approved by at least 10 of the Top 50 ATG holders. The Automatic team has 15 calendar days following approval of the MTR (Stage II) to formalize the proposal to the community.
Community Voting Participation (Stage III)
Following the Automatic team's formalized proposal to the entire ATG community, all ATG holders are then automatically eligible to vote on the proposal.
Voting Rewards
Any ATG token holder who participates in the voting process will earn .005 esATG per formalized vote submitted. This reward is designed to encourage participation in the governance process and to promote decentralization, not only within Automatic, but across all of DeFi.
Why Reward Voting?
Automatic's governance process is designed to ensure that all decisions are made in a fair and effective manner. It is important that all ATG holders participate in the voting process and provide their input on any proposed decisions, as all proposals have the potential to materially impact the future of the platform.
Incentivizing token holders to participate in the voting process is beneficial to the entire community, as it encourages more people to take part in the decision-making process.
By financially-rewarding token holders who opt to vote, Automatic is able to achieve true decentralization and ensure that all decisions are made in a fair and effective manner. Furthermore, it ensures that the voice of all ATG holders is heard, regardless of their financial status. As such, it is important for Automatic to incentivize token holders to vote in order to ensure the health and longevity of the perpetual futures platform.
Weighted Voting
Motion to Review (Stage I)
1 vote per Top 50 ATG wallet
Community Voting Participation (Stage III)
1 vote per ATG held
How to Vote
Coming soon...
Last updated